Easter morning in the Deale household started out with the usual waking up to our Easter baskets! You're never too old for Easter baskets ;)
All this sweets will definitely be worked off in the gym!
I've been really into trying out recipes off of Pinterest and decided to make this for Easter breakfast!
Seeing that there is none left, I'm guessing it was a hit!!! We scarfed down breakfast then heading off to Easter service!
After church, I decided to head to the gym...in Easter themed socks of course! :) chirp chirp!
Started out with a 20 minute quick moving elliptical cardio workout (cross country setting) then went into the aerobics room to do arm, backs and legs/butt:
I found this workout from my favorite blogger, Peanut Butter Fingers, and thought the chick made it kinda perfect for Easter:
This is what you'll need to complete the Squat Jump ^---. (*the more platforms you put underneath, the harder the workout*).
I used the dumbbells with the I did the step ups as well as using them for squats and of course for the deadlifts.
After doing this, I did a quick arm and back workout, using dumbbells (a light weight one and a heavier one. :
10 arm swings
10 standing shoulder presses
10 arm circles--front
10 arm circles-side
10 standing shoulder presses--heavier dumbbells
15 dumbbell rows
10 overhead triceps extensions--heavier dumbbell
10 bicep curls
10 triceps kickbacks
40 Supermans with ball (4 sets of 10)
30 standing resistance flys
And on my way out of the gym, saw this certain guy flying away on the treadmill....go daddy!