Sunday, March 29, 2015

Week recap and 2 years

Recap of workouts from this past week!

Monday: Cardio on the elliptical followed by this circuit
Tuesday: 3 mile run outside 

Wednesday: Went to the gym....but drawing a blank on what I did (this is what happens if I don't do daily posts)

Thursday: Skip Day 

Friday: Was feeling a bit out of it/worried about my recent back pain. Cardio on the elliptical then did a variety of leg, butts and abs.

This morning was suppose to be an 11 mile run in training, but it ended up being around 10. 

And....Happy 2nd Birthday to Fit for a Princess! Saw on my timehop that I started the blog 2 years ago today! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cville 10 miler recap!

This morning I ran a hometown race, the Charlottesville 10 Miler. The 10 miler has been been going on in cville for 40 years and is a very popular race. I signed up last fall for the early bird price. This was my first race since the marathon and the first one out of 3 races I have within the next month (another 10 miler and a half).

Woke up at 5:45, got some toast and peanut butter and was out the door by 6:15. Got to the start line and parked by 6:40 and had 35 mins to chill until the start. Parking next to the start/finish closed at 7 and I wanted to make sure I got a spot and wouldn't have to be shuttled! 
Runners were allowed inside UVA's basketball arena (the start line was on the street right outside) which was super nice because of bathrooms (no porta potties!) and getting to stay warm because it was chiller out than expected this morning! I took some time to stretch and just wake my body up. 

Headed out to the start around 7:10 and saw a high school friend! It was great to see a familiar face and have someone to quickly chat with :) 7:15 and we were off!

The course is known for being extremely hilly and it was no joke! The first miles took us around Uva campus with a little hill here or there but I was feeling great! Saw another friend cheering with her sister near UVA as well! The middle part of the race took us through downtown cville and older neighborhoods and that's where the monster hills were. Any flat section I took advantage of catching my breath before conquering the next hill. 
However, I was pleased with my time thus far and not having any IT band issues at all, I was just taking it one step at a time and enjoy seeing cville sights.

Around mile 7.5-8, I started feeling sick. I didn't want water (I had been taking sips at every station) and my stomach was in knots. Bathroom or sick? I was wondering if breakfast hadn't settled well. I just took some deeper breathes and focused on knowing I'd be done soon. By the time I reached mile 9, I was feeling better and was ready to be done in just a little more than 8 mins! Course the hills weren't done yet so had some more pushing not through to do. I also started listening in one the convo between 2 girls beat me (my wireless headphones had died) and found out one of them had gone to Radford! 

A few more hills later and I was across the finish line! My time was 1:30 flat which is my usual 10 miler pace and I was happy with that :) I ended up parking eighth near the finish line so was able to get in my car and out the back way quickly. 

Thanks for a nice run Cville! Nice to run along various spots in Cville and see familiar faces! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend recap

All this pre-spring weather has made running so much enjoyable! This morning was 8 miles and it was beautiful out....but so windy!! It was running against resistance the whole time. This should be prepare me for a hilly 10 mile race Saturday, right?

Yesterday was Body Pump day! I love how this class has become part of my weekly routine. I did realize after class that  I will be missing it for the next month due to out of town trips and prior engagement :( April 18th will be my next class, see you then Body Pump!

After class I did add a little more abs before calling it a day. 
30 Russian Twists
30 crunches
:45 sec plank
20 Jackknife sit ups 
40 bicycles
:30 side plank each.

Here's to another week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Burning Body and Wantable Box!


Not much to post about today's work, did 3 miles on the treadmill and some abs. Yesterday's workout is the one to share because it was a full body, sweating, good workout. I'm a fan of workouts that are long and change up different workouts with different reps.

I also want to talk about an exciting package I got in the mail today, my first Wantable box! I discovered Wantable through Pinterest and instantly liked how it is exactly like Stitchfix (for those of you who have jumped on the Stitchfix team) but for accessories, jewelry, intimates, or fitness! You give them your measurements and range what you hate, like, or love with various workout apparel. You pay a $20 monthly membership which also comes out of the price of any item(s) you select. 5 pieces are mailed to you and you have 5 days to return. If you keep 3-4 pieces, you get 20% off the total price and if you keep all 5, you get 30% off!
My box consisted of 2 long sleeve tops with hoods, a tank top, a tank top with built in bra, and a sports bra. They were SO SOFT!!! I knew I was going to return one of the tank tops because I had one exactly like it already and one of the long sleeve tops because it was tye dye which I'm not really a fan of. I ended up just keeping the sports bra (which I am in need of anyways) due to budget reasons. I requested more bottoms for my next box which I can't wait to get! if you want to see more!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Abs abs abs!

Another day of snow coming tomorrow and I skipped the gym yesterday so today was full intense gym session. 

I had a feeling school would be canceled tomorrow (which it now is) so I didn't feel rushed to get into the gym and then home for dinner, shower, and regroup for tomorrow. I started out with a strength training circuit that I've done a few times before and really enjoy the change up of different muscles being used. 

Next I wanted to focus on abs. Found this longer ab workout on Pinterest and really liked that the reps were shorter, but was longer so could feel my abs burning by the end. Plus 3 rounds of 60 secs plank through out! 
And for anyone who will be snowed in tomorrow, this one is also great for an at home workout!
I finished out with a quick spin on the bike just because I wasn't ready to be done just yet ;)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Wireless earbuds!

Got my wireless earbuds over the weekend and I was eager to finally try them out today!  

The earbuds will need some adjusting, which luckily they came with 3 different ear adjustments.
I took off on a 5 mile snowy/icy/muddy/puddles run. At the beginning, I felt that the wind was blowing through my earbuds and I could barely hear the music. BUT by the end of my run, I wasn't noticing if the wind was bothering me and realized how much more freedom my arms had without those iPod headphone wires. 

So overall review...easy to set up and connect to my iPod, got for a great deal on Amazon, good volume, and easy to turn on and off. I'm going to play around with the ear adjustments because i found myself playing with them throughout the run. I also want to see if I can adjust the band between the ear pieces to tighten up a bit.