Yesterday I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in DC...and yes, amongst the cherry blossoms!!
I got back from Georgia afternoon and honestly, the thought of waking up early the next day to do a race was something I kinda wasn't looking forward to. Yesterday was my last day of Spring Break and having to set an alarm for 5am was dreadful!
But alas, 5am yesterday and I was up! Grabbed a quick bowl of oatmeal and was out the door to meet up with friend/sorority sister Amanda at the Pentagon City metro station. Driving on 95 at 6am on a Sunday and no traffic, I was there in no time and got to see a gorgeous sunrise.
We hopped on the metro with the other runners heading in and were on the mall with plenty of time. It was chiller than I expected and I was glad to be wearing my North Face jacket to keep me warm (by the end of the race, it was quite warm!). We were in our corrals when the elite runners started at 7:20, awaiting for the 7:30 start for the rest of us.
I was in the blue corral, which was the 1:24-1:31 expected finish time. I had no plans on PRing or any time expectancy, I just wanted to enjoy the run and maintain my previous 10 miler time.
The first mile of any race always feels like a running of the bulls, everyone is just going while weaving in and out trying to find "their spot". I was feeling good (while weaving in and out), but also had a slight panic in the back of my mind that I didn't think I could keep up this pace for all 10 milers (especially since I had to go to the bathroom for the first 4 miles and all the porta potties were packed), but after every mile, my pace was either the same or faster than the previous mile! When we passed the halfway mark at 5 miles, I was at least 5 minutes faster than any of my 5 mile runs before and I was starting to get hyped about knowing I could maintain this pace and get a sub 1:30 PR!
The course was gorgeous, the temperature was perfect and I felt like I was flying! What a great way to end my Spring Break.
The only "hiccup"/confusion was at mile 5.5 when I saw the mile 6 sign! What?! I looked down at my garmin to see if I had somehow blanked and flew through mile 5, but my watch was saying 5.5. I was under headphones, but could tell by other runners around me that they were also confused. It wasn't until after the race that I found out there had been a medical emergency along the route before the race so they had to adjust the course a bit. The course wasn't fully 10 miles, but I appreciate the best the race committee could do to make the race still go on and make it as close to the 10 miles!

The only hill on the course was at the finish (What is it with DC races and having hills at the finish?!) but I didn't even notice, I even surprised myself by how fast I took off on it! I knew I was going to PR and I wanted to knock off any second I could! I crossed the finish 1:27 after the start, but since my start was 5 minutes after the first gun, my time came out to be 1:22!!! Although that was for 9.6 (according to my garmin), I would've stilled PRed from my 1:30 time :) Yes!!!
The route amongst Haines favorite part.
My aunt and uncle were in town for the Cherry Blossoms and were awesome enough to come from their hotel to see my race! It was great to have them there at the finish and hang out with them for a bit after. I also wanted to soak up how beautiful (I know I've used that word a few times already haha) DC looked that morning with the cherry blossoms and a cloudless sky!
Overall...loved this race! Flat course amongst the monuments and water of DC (minus the hill at the finish), great spectators (DC really knows how to bring in great spectators) and easy commute with the metro. The only con I have of this race is charging extra to get a medal. Races are already starting to get so expensive and to add an additional charge to get a medal seems a bit ridiculous. I would've liked to add another medal to my collection, especially after that great race!