Thursday, October 31, 2013

Enter if you dare--Halloween post

Happy Halloween!
I wanted to find a festive workout to do for today and I found these treats!
The 'Don't Scream' Glute Burner had both my glutes and thighs SCREAMING at the end of this, those wall sits can be killers!
Finishing with these Spooktacular Abs:

(____) of the Day:
Song of the Day: It just isn't Halloween without this song being play at least once.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rockin the 50s!

Today the Kindergarteners did their Halloween performance and carved pumpkins with their family. They got to change into their costumes after lunch; but all the teachers wore their costumes all day. I decided to be a 50s girl, though none of the kids understood :(
In honor of being a 50s girl today, I thought the following workout would be perfect!
I of course, also did 55 pliƩ squats for Day 2 of the challenge!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Plie' Squat Challenge

Today I started the 30 Day Plie' Squat Challenge! I'd love some company on this! :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Biceps, triceps, shoulders, and abs!

Happy Football Sunday!
Currently writing this while watching the Redskins-Broncos game with Ben and his family. I have a 3 day weekend so I get the joy with staying an extra day rather than leaving at this time! Happy happy :)
Onto yesterday's workout....
The ball of my foot was still bothering me, though not as much. I went out and bought some insoles to put in my shoes to help until I get new ones. I tried them out when we got to the gym by hopping on the treadmill to do a 1 mile run. Well the ball of my foot was fine, but the arch of my foot was then hurting! I think I had the insoles in wrong, so I'll do some re-adjusting and hope that helps!
After the run, I went to the mat area and grabbed some free weights to do the following. For the arms, I did 3 sets of 12 in each superset.
I am really feeling my triceps today!
(____) of the day:
Motivation of the day: Those who ran the Marine Corps Marathon in DC! My mom ran it in the 1990s and although I have said I wouldn't run a marathon, I was a bit obsessive over the MCM this morning by checking tweets and watching videos. Maybe some day......

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Good Vibrations!

After rocking out to this song at the gym, this post is brought to you by Glee's version of "Good Vibrations".
I started off with a quick leg set of leg press, leg extensions, curls, etc. The ball of my right foot was bothering me all day and the pressure of this exercises wasn't helping :( Hope I didn't do more damage!
I finished out with the following arm & ab set:
The middle section with the front to side to mac raises really had my shoulders screaming!
(_____) of the day:
Food of the day: Zucchini bread! :) See previous post for recipe!

Zucchini bread success

I am so glad the recipe made 2 loaves because after I brought them out of the oven last night, my parents and I practically ate 1 loaves all by ourselves!

  3 eggs
 1 cup oil
 2 cups sugar
  2 cups shredded zucchini
 3 tsp vanilla
 3 cups flour
  1 tsp salt
 1 tsp baking soda
  1/4 tsp baking powder
  3 tsp cinnamon
  1/2 cup nuts (optional)
    Directions Grease or flour two bread loaf pans. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all ingredients together and bake for one hour. This recipe does make two loaves

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Zucchini Bread in the oven

I am writing this post quickly because the Halloween special of Pretty Little Liars is about to come on. Yes, I am a PLL, no judge ;)
Also, while I am typing and watching, my first ever making of zucchini bread is in the oven! I can't wait to try it in less than an hour! If successful....which, with my cooking sometimes, you never know...I'll post the recipe!

Today's workout was a 5 mile loop to Crozet and back. I haven't done a long run in awhile and really want to get back on a good running schedule, especially with this crisp fall weather. I started from a park less than a minute from my house (Mint Springs), and ran 2.5 miles out which took me through a Crozet neighborhood then I turned back. I felt a bit sluggish but when I finished, my body and legs felt really good :)

It's starting! Just wanted to pipe in for a daily update! :)

(______) of the day:
Quote of the Day: "My mom put this sticky stuff in my hair and now it won't move" --kindergarten boy standing in line to get his school picture

Monday, October 21, 2013

Recap of weekend and today's workout

Happy Manic Monday everyone!

I was up at Ben's this past weekend where we had a fun time Saturday night hanging out with his sister and her husband, whom introduced me to Pho! If you haven't tried this yummy Vietnamese noodle soup, I suggest you do! It was the perfect dinner to a cool, dreary Saturday night.

Earlier that day, Ben and I headed to his gym for a quick workout. After doing a 20 minute warm up on the elliptical (my body was tired and that was a good way to wake it up!), I did the follow workout with free weights:
40 dumbbell bicep curls
10 push ups
10 triangle pushups
1.5 minute chest press pulse
10 tricep dips

50 squats
2 minute wall sit
50 donkey kicks (each side)
50 donkey leg raises ( each side)
50 single leg half bridge pulses (each side)
50 single leg bridge circles (each side)
100 swim kicks

Outer Thighs:
60 dumbbell side lunges
30 dumbbell standing outer thigh lifts
50 lying outer thigh lifts
50 walking lunges

30 Russian Twists
10 sit ups
:30 plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 plank
10 jackknife sit ups
:15 side plank (each side)
30 crunches
:40 plank

Today's workout
When I got to the gym this afternoon, I was in a great mood after a wonderful Girls On The Run practice. So proud of my girls who are working so hard and most of the girls reached their daily goal today, yay!
Today's workout consisted of a Total Body Circuit Workout 3 times through:
(_____) of the Day:
Song of the Day: Go the Distance from Hercules!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

I don't sweat, I sparkle!

Title courtesy of what my tank said today :)

After driving to and from Richmond this afternoon to take a test, I was more than ready to get out of the car and work out! I started out on the elliptical to wake myself up before doing a butt and ab routine. I was really feeling my workout from yesterday while on the elliptical, but it was a good burn!

The butt routine is one that I have done before and posted quite often,  but it's my favorite because it's a good mix up of butt exercises (plus, you could do outside of the gym if you needed!)
My ab workout consisted of following:
30 Russian twists with weight
10 sit ups
:30 plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 plank
10 jackknifes
40 oblique crunches
:15 side plank each
30 crunches
:40 plank
I do this one straight through without resting!
Question: What exercise(s) would you guys like to see more of?
I try to switch up my workouts but realize I do more of some workouts than others. Everyone's body is different of course so something I want to work on, you may not want to! BUT if there is something you'd like to see/try, let me know! :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's Hump Day!

This morning during calendar, when asked what day it was, all the kids shouted out Hump Day! ha! 

I had hoped to go on a run after work, but it was overcast and looked like rain when I left school, so I headed straight to the gym (course it was sunny when I left). 

I jumped on the treadmill to do my favorite treadmill workout, while getting to enjoy Boy Meets World (kudos to ABCfamily for re-airing it!):

I then did 1 round of the following functional workout. 1 minute of burpees isn't a walk in a park I tell ya! 

2 more days till the weekend folks, we can do it!! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Post wedding workout

Yesterday was my best friend's wedding and I could not be more THRILLED for her!!

Ben and I passed out hard when we got home last night, but when we woke up this morning, we were ready for the gym (though on a rainy Saturday, my warm bed felt hard to leave from).

I warmed up with 30 minutes on the elliptical before doing the Saturday Morning Circuit Workout! I didn't realize how tired my legs were (dancing last night in heels plus lots of moving around the day before) until  I was doing this. It's a great full body workout that you can take at your own speed!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall running

Nothing like a cool, fall day to make you want to run and run!

I decided to not route out a run before hand and just let my feet go where I felt like going. I ended up just about 5 miles (my watch died early on so I have no record) but I was able to guestimate based on the amount of time I was out running. Since I am not getting out around 2-2:30, I am looking forward to being able to get runs in during the afternoon rather than evening before it gets dark :) Though I could tell at the end of my run, I am in need of new running shoes! Next paycheck!

Afterwards, I came in for a Sexy Arm Workout. I've done it before, but here it is again:

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mondays' Burnin Legs & Abs!


This past weekend, I got to experience the love and fun of Ben's older sister, Cary, at her wedding! Congrats to the new Mr. & Mrs. Trencher!

I was able to go for a run around Ben's neighborhood Friday morning before we left for DC and it felt great, especially since it was still cool out! And of course, Saturday evening, I tore up the dance floor in poor feet were screaming the next day.

Today's workout:

Seriously, rainy Mondays are the worst.

After GOTR, I went to ACAC Downtown to do a workout. I was starting to get hungry since I had lunch almost 5 hours earlier so I didn't want to push myself too much. I did 20 minutes on the stairmaster before doing the following:
10 push ups
50 sumo squats
50 bridges
10 push ups
50 squats
50 lunges
10 push ups
50 side plank hip lifts (25 each side)
50 side crunches (25 each side)
10 push ups
50 squat jumps
50 crunches on exercise ball
50 jumping jacks
50 bicycles
10 push ups
50 seconds planks

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today's workout was BodyPump!! BodyPump is a weight-based class that works eight separate muscle group areas at a fast moving pace.

The music my instructor selected was great! I sometimes caught myself moving to the beat and wanting to dance and not doing the workout haha. The warm up was a quick whole body workout and then we were off working butt...chest...legs....arms...and shoulders which were SCREAMING by the end of the class! We ended with abs which were a nice break from not using weights.
I really enjoyed the class, though did struggle with finding my right weight at the beginning. The first was too light so I added a weight when then made it really heavy on my shoulders and upper back so took that weight off. I settled with my first weight and throughout the class, I am glad I did. I have a feeling my arms won't want to move tomorrow!
There most likely won't be a post until next Monday because tomorrow I am going to Caroline's field hockey game and then Thursday through the weekend, I will be in DC for Ben's sister, Cary, wedding! Though as you may recall from my post from May re. my cousin's wedding, there will  be plenty of dancing going on this weekend ;)