Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Zucchini Bread in the oven

I am writing this post quickly because the Halloween special of Pretty Little Liars is about to come on. Yes, I am a PLL, no judge ;)
Also, while I am typing and watching, my first ever making of zucchini bread is in the oven! I can't wait to try it in less than an hour! If successful....which, with my cooking sometimes, you never know...I'll post the recipe!

Today's workout was a 5 mile loop to Crozet and back. I haven't done a long run in awhile and really want to get back on a good running schedule, especially with this crisp fall weather. I started from a park less than a minute from my house (Mint Springs), and ran 2.5 miles out which took me through a Crozet neighborhood then I turned back. I felt a bit sluggish but when I finished, my body and legs felt really good :)

It's starting! Just wanted to pipe in for a daily update! :)

(______) of the day:
Quote of the Day: "My mom put this sticky stuff in my hair and now it won't move" --kindergarten boy standing in line to get his school picture

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