Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I'm In! Going FULL crazy!!!

For those who have not seen my social media today , I have very exciting news!

Marine Corps Marathon, here I come!!! 

Yes, I am both anxious and nervous. 
220 days  10 hours, and 3 minutes (not  that I have a countdown or anything....)

This was the first year that the MCM did a lottery system so I was quite anxious all night and part of this morning (I got my email around 8am) awaiting to hear if I got picked or not! I signed up about a month ago, the lottery closed last week and today was the day that they sent "Congrats" or "Sorry" emails. When I woke up and didn't see an email and made the mistake of checking on the Facebook to see everyone commenting about their acceptance, I got a bad feeling in my stomach.
From when I woke up to when I got to school, I was checking my email every 10 minutes (yes, creeper weird status). So when I got the email, I did a little happy bounce!! Ah!! 
I've already starting looking into books and training programs though I won't start until late May/early June.
 I will be sure to post all my training on here! 

In other news....
Today's workout! 
I didn't get to the gym until after 6 and was totally exhausted (and starving!). I biked for 25 minutes then did a GREAT upper body workout that had me doing my scrunched up face and sweating. I could feel some burning going on when I was finished. 

I finished with a quick ab set of:
40 crunches
10 sit ups 
30 oblique crunches
:25 plank
:20 side plank each side
30 Russian twists
30 vertical crunches
15 jacknife sit ups 
:40 plank 

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