Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Early Morning Workouts

Yesterday and today, I have woken up 45 minutes earlier to get a workout in (due to schedule and heat). I thought waking up at 6:30 instead of 7:15 would be harder, but my body must've remembered me waking up at 6 for work this past year! I've enjoyed getting my workout over and done with first thing because I feel more refreshed for the rest of the day.

Was at the gym by 7 for a 45 minute workout. Got on elliptical for 20 minutes before doing a Cardio & Ab workout.

For my Marathon Training Schedule, today was a 3 mile day. It also was going to be in the upper 90s and I knew I would not want to run after practice (when I'm standing in the sun for 3 hours prior). I got a run in (when the weather was so comfortable!) before practice. After practice and a swim lesson, I went back to the gym to do weights. 

I was feeling really strong during this and it was one of those gym moments where I was in zone and feeling "like a beast" (to quote Ben). 

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