Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow day arms & abs

Another snow day for me! I spent the morning working/wrapping up some school items and then once I heard the roads were cleared, I headed off to the gym. After running yesterday and swimming the day before, I wanted to do some weights. 

20 minutes on the elliptical for some cardio before doing some arms: 

I think my arms will be good until BodyPump Saturday!

Finished out with one of my new favorite ab routines:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Back to work and jello legs

After 9 days off and a 2 hour delay this morning, I finally went back to what they call work. And boy will this be a long week. Plus with no indoor recess (though wish I could take my kids out in the snow, they'd burn off extra energy), going to be even longer! 

Today = leg day!

20 minute on the bike at cross-country mode before doing this lean leg circuit:

Afterwards, I also added in:
abductor 3x15 and leg press 3x20.

Tomorrow--swim workout! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running Sandwich

Another day off (and we shall see about tomorrow....)! Today called for a 3 mile run and strength as part of my training plan, but seeing that most of the sidewalks still aren't clear/icey out, I decided to suck it up and do the run on the treadmill. To change things up a bit because I knew there was no way I could stay sane for 3 miles on the treadmill, I broke it up into 1 mile ->weights-> 1 mile -> abs-> 1 mile. 

It made it much more enjoyable.

After the first mile, I did some leg work.
laying leg curls 3x12
abductor 3x12
adductor 3x12
30 lunges

After the second mile, I did some abs.
30 Russian Twists
10 sit ups 
:30 sec plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 sec plank
10 jackknife sit ups
40 bicycles
:15 sec side plank (each side)
30 crunches
:40 sec plank

And 3rd mile complete. I was a nice sweaty mess. I thought about doing arms, but they were still a little sore after yesterday so decided to give them a rest. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day #2

Another snow day for me (and just found out I'll have another one tomorrow!), but today I was able to venture out which meant morning gym session for me!

20 minutes the elliptical and then did an Arm & Ab circuit (the gym was empty except for the weight area, of course!)

Side note....Signed up for my 4th half marathon, Diva Half Series in September! Yep, this is the same half that gave me a panic attack in 2013 ( I wrote a lengthy post about that), but my friend Hannah and I have wanted to do a half again together and this one was chosen!  I do hope they've gotten things organized since 2013! 

Monday, February 16, 2015


Let's see how long I can update this before I go through a period of not posting! 

I would review all the workouts and updates from who knows when the last time I posted, but I'm starting fresh over with today!

No school means getting up when I want and going to the gym first thing. I was still a bit sore from BodyPump on Saturday (I didn't go for 2 weeks and boy did I miss it!), but with the chance of snow (*snow dance*) tonight, I wanted to get in a really good workout today. 

The aerobics room was empty so I took advantage of doing a full body strength workout with free weights. New workout to try too!

After finishing up and still having some time before I wanted to leave, I just moved around various machines to get in extra leg work and ab work. 

Now to await for this snow...I'll believe it when I see it! Winter has been a tease so far!