Happy Saturday!
What a beautiful day out and here a week ago, my mom and I were running the Park to Park Half in rain, sleet and 40 degree temps!
This was a new race experience for me in that 1) my mom and I were doing it together and 2) all the half marathons I've done before have been a big races with thousands of runners, big race names (Disney! Tiffany necklace!), etc. and this one was a small town race along the country side and mountain views with 600 runners. But I only had a few things in mind for this race...PR or break 2 hours, stay injury free (*talking to you IT band*) and enjoy a race with my mom.
(if you look under the tent and see two girls in peach and blue in white hats...that's us)
My mom and I had planned to run together as far as we could, but I had a feeling my mom would be in front of me (and they proved to be true after mile 3). We started out fast, much faster than we both expected and I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain that fast of a pace the whole time, but figured I'd maintain it as long as I could!
Then at mile 3, my wireless headphones died. So I had 10 miles to go with no music running. Ugh. 10 miles of hearing yourself breathe (and other) was not enjoyable.
Minus hearing myself breathe (which is annoying), the chilly damp weather, and some allergies, I was feeling great and maintaining a 8:30 pace...wow!! I could see my mom the whole race, always some distance ahead of me. I knew at the 10k part I was right on track to break 2 hours, but didn't want to get my hopes up yet because I still had 7 miles to go....
Mile 9....started to rain/sleet (found out after the race, it was sleet)
Mile 10...knew I was going to PR and break 2 hours (!!!!), my pace had slowed a bit (I was having trouble breathing...thanks allergies and pesticide amongst farms), but my body was feeling strong! 3 miles to go!
And those 3 miles seem to take forever! I'm not sure if it was because I was ready to be done and get my medal, it had gotten colder, or the course was just sorta boring at that point. OH and how could I forget...the hills! That's when the hills hit! HILLs. One right after another. That was the first half where my butt was sore and I blame it on the hills.
Finally, the end came into sight (of course, going up a hill) and I made the turn into the park where the finish line was....1:56! Yes!!! 8 minute PR and I have finally broken 2 hours!
And my mom won her age group!!!!! She's a badass ;)
Overall my feelings towards this race were 'eh'...I think if I had had music the whole time (I definitely wanted it at points ) and if the weather had been nicer, I may have enjoyed it more. Oh, and the roadkill. Yeah, I don't really enjoy seeing or moving around a dead beaver/raccoon/squirrel/unknown animal.
The things I did enjoy about the race...very well organized, very friendly, nice medals and a hat upon finish (*see girl behind me in picture above wearing them), fun race shirt (coral!) and other nice amenities (shuttles to cars, non porta potties at finish, Panera and tents from rain).
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