Monday, July 15, 2013

Hot Hot Hot circuit workout!

Since the temperature this week is suppose to be ridiculously hot, I thought this workout would be most appropriate to get ready for all the sweating I'll probably be doing this week (especially when my car doesn't have AC).

Hot Hot Hot Circuit!
I started out by doing 10 minutes on the elliptical before doing  5 rounds of this.

I then took a quick break by doing 10 minutes on the stair master (all the elliptical were in use) before finishing the remaining 5 rounds. Thanks +PeanutButterFingers 

Running Advice:
I saw a woman when I was leaving the gym who was running in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, I wanted to scream!! Please be safe if you do plan on going running during the summer...go early EARLY in the morning, wear appropriate clothing or just stay inside! I am not a treadmill fan at all but I plan on staying inside and doing treadmill runs this week because of the heat. 

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