Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

My Easter was a relaxing one. I had a wonderfully delicious breakfast with Ben's family then spent the afternoon helping my parents start to move out Caroline of her dorm and then once home, finishing up this huge graduate school project that makes me not want to type a document or make tables for awhile. 19 more days!

Backtrack to yesterday's workout.

I went for a 5 mile run in the morning. This was actually the longest I've run since my 10 mile disaster. Yes, a few 2 and 3 miles here and there. My physical therapist wanted me to run this amount to see how my IT band, especially since between 4-5 miles is when it starts acting up. I also wanted to run something more than 25 minutes (less than a week till race day!). My knee didn't hurt, but my leg just felt tight. Not painful tight, just a "I would love to get a massage and a leg pull right now" tight. My time was about the same as my previous 5 mile runs which is good.

Right when I got back, Ben and I were off to the gym where I immediately hoped on the elliptical for 30 minutes at a "run pace". Another thing my physical therapist recommended was that I do some sort of cardio for 30+ minutes immediately after my run to keep my heart rate up (so it was sorta 15 minutes afterwards) to also help for the race. It was then that I felt a little shot of pain on my IT band. Shit. Though nothing too painful and after a few minutes, I realized I didn't feel it anymore. Phew!

After the elliptical, I went over to the stretching area (which in Ben's gym, is pretty much any available floor space or the corner over by the Personal Trainer section. Good thing I'm small!) to do my "homework". My "homework" is exercises that my PT has given me to do every other day. It will help strengthen my hips and glutes area--the area that needs to get stronger to help my IT band.

The exercises look like this:
3 sets of 15 leg abductors with band
3 sets of 10 "clams" with band
2 sets of bridges for 30 seconds (legs 8 inches apart)
2 sets of 10 of bridge leg kicks

Though it doesn't seem like a lot, my legs were shaking towards the end and my butt was sore this morning!

Agenda for this week fitness wise: Meeting with PT tomorrow and Thursday...hopefully some runs...and preparing for this weekend! My packing list is already written out.

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