Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marine Corps Marathon recap

It's hard to believe that it is already been 4 days since I completed my first marathon. I went back to work Tuesday and lots of people were impressed by how well I was walking! Thank goodness for massages is all I'm saying ;)

Now let's see how I can recap a marathon....

Race day had me up at 4:30! Yikes. Mrs. Farrow, Caroline, and I hit the road to the metro by 5:30 and were on the metro heading into the city a little after 6 (with a herd of other runners). We arrived at the Pentagon station and started the walk to the Runner's Village.
While I was waiting in line for last minute bathroom before lining up, the American Flag came flying in by skydivers.

A quick goodbye and off I went to line up by the Arlington National Cemetery. They didn't have official corrals, runners just lined up in sections based off of expected finish time. I crossed the start about 5-10 minutes after the gun went off.

The first few miles of the race were super CROWDED! Trying to get a pace, running around people, and avoiding getting bumped into or tripped. I can't remember when exactly the crowds seemed to thin out (if they ever really did).

The first half (13.1) miles went by super fast in my opinion. That part of the race took us through Downtown Rossyln, Key Bridge & Georgetown, Rock Creek Park (which was rather peaceful being in woods compared to the city), and Kennedy Center. I saw Caroline and Mrs. Farrow at the Mile 10 sign and was so excited to see them! I was feeling good, I was maintaining my happy pace, the weather was perfect, and seeing the excitement in my sister's face and Mrs. Farrow's was an extra boost. 

Miles 11-14 took us through Hane's Point which I remembered from my Nike Half in April. I loved running alongside the water. I passed the Half mark just a little over 2 hours.

And then the unfortunate happened.....

That evil thing that has haunted me all year.

My IT band started hurting.

at mile 16 (Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Memorial, World War II Memorial) .

*Cue curse words*

I tried slowing down my pace to see if that eased up on the pain. Helped for a bit, but then it became obvious that it wasn't going away. 

Miles 16-19/20 (those miles were a blur) were spent trying to run, fast walking, random stretch breaks and just frustration. Yes, my happy mood had changed to frustration. 

Mile 20 was the 14th Street Bridge....aka the never-ending bridge. It just kept going! It probably wouldn't have seem so long if I wasn't in pain. At  this point in the race, I stopped caring about my time (I had gone into a race with a hopeful finish time) and started focusing on how to stay strong and in the least amount of pain for the remaining 6 miles (and to not have my band go completely out on me). 

I shuffled/ran/walked the remaining miles, but when I reached that final mile, I ran. I wanted to get to that finish line. 

I passed the 26 mile sign and was ready to take on the hill that finished the race (yes, only the Marines would have runners go up a hill to end a marathon). The hill curved and I could see Caroline and the whole Farrow clan (Ben, his parents, sister and brother in law) along the side and in front of me, the finish arch.

I had mixed feelings when I finished....some anger over my injury, exhaustion (hello, I just ran a marathon), and a bit of excitement and numbness.

A marine places the medal around your neck and then salutes you which is totally awesome.

 I waddled through the finisher's shoot to get my finisher's box of food and water and then continued slowly on to find my "fan club".

Caroline and Ben found me first which had me burst into tears (I promise I'm not this emotional). They helped me over to where the Farrows were where lots of hugs and pictures were given (as well as a bag of ice for my band). And sitting on the ground for at least 5 minutes was heaven.

Thank you to all my friends and family who tracked me in the race and posted sweet messages on Facebook and Instagram. Seeing those afterwards put such a huge smile on my face!

I have evoked the core principals of the Marine by demonstrating honor, courage & commitment in a successful "mission"!!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday morning workouts

Oh how I love Saturday morning workouts! It  is always a great start to the weekend.

 30 minutes on the elliptical to start the workout. 
Leg/IT band work:
abductor 4x20
adductor 4x20
glute kickbacks 3x15
squats on bosu ball- 4x12
toe taps on bench - 3x15

Then onto abs. I did a 30 minute Ab Burner class Thursday night and I was still feeling it this morning!
50 crunches 
50 russian twists 
:30 sec side plank with elbow crunch (each side)
1 minute plank
30 v-ups
20 v-up position with leg lifts

30 tricep dips
30 rows with barbell
30 skull crushers 
20 pec flies
30 shoulder presses
30 chest presses

We are in the single digits for the Marathon! 8 days!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A little sweatin' and abs

With the marathon now less than 2 weeks ago (*operation don't go into panic mood*), I am now focusing on staying healthy and strong, especially my IT band. After my last long run on Sunday (and Bodypump class Saturday), I took yesterday off and my muscles were happy about that.

I started out with a mile run on the treadmill (seriously, that's even a struggle. I guess I really can't stand treadmills) before finishing up my warm up with 15 minutes on the stairmaster. That's where the sweat really came from.

I then moved on to IT band strengthen and leg work by doing the following:

adductor 4x20
leg press (both legs) 4x20
leg press (right leg) 4x15 
leg kickback machine (works the glutes and hamstrings) 3x20
resistance band work.

As for abs, I did the following:
1 minute right side plank
1 minute left side plank
1 minute plank
30 right oblique crunches
30 left oblique crunches
20 scissors
20 mountain climbers
10 regular sit ups 
10 vertical leg crunches
10 Russian twists
15 mountain climbers 
10 scissors
60 bicycles 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Running to movies

Something I have started to do for long runs is listen to movies I have on my ipod instead of music. I am become rather sick of my music, and I have caught myself looking at my Garmin more or clicking through my music while on my run, getting majorly distracted from focusing on my run. I decided to play a movie that I have seen numerous times before and practically have memorized (ahem, Sex and the City). It actually made the time go by a little faster because I was "watching" the movie in my mind and wasn't focusing on my time, etc.

Only bummer about this is that it drains my ipod battery faster.

But....if you're looking for something different other than music to run to, I recommend movies! 

Almost 16 days until the marathon, ahhh!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where have I been....

Still trying to get organized in my classroom and actually get a good flow going....lesson planning....trying to get sleep....fitting in workouts when I can and running....actually getting in 16 miles for training so my hopes for the marathon have been raising...trying to get sleep.....get the pattern?

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've written on this. When I have gotten to workout, it's been something quick with machines or free weights. I did go to a BodyPump class which had my arms screaming the next day.
 My marathon training was starting to become disappointing because of my IT band, to the point where I was looking into dropping out :( But I didn't want to give up just yet. I haven't gotten past 12 miles, and even then, it was painful. I laid off the running for about 2 weeks, doing at most, 3 miles every few days. I worked on my IT band exercises and glute strengthening exercises. Last Sunday, I had this optimistic feeling that I could complete a long run. I decided to try for 16 miles, by doing a 8 mile loop finishing at Ben's. This was because if my IT band was hurting, I would just stop and be done.
BUTTTT......16 miles went pain-free!! I was so excited at the end that I had completed new mileage and didn't have any pain once! Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me as I go for 18 miles this weekend.

I hope (no promises!) to update more soon :)