Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A little sweatin' and abs

With the marathon now less than 2 weeks ago (*operation don't go into panic mood*), I am now focusing on staying healthy and strong, especially my IT band. After my last long run on Sunday (and Bodypump class Saturday), I took yesterday off and my muscles were happy about that.

I started out with a mile run on the treadmill (seriously, that's even a struggle. I guess I really can't stand treadmills) before finishing up my warm up with 15 minutes on the stairmaster. That's where the sweat really came from.

I then moved on to IT band strengthen and leg work by doing the following:

adductor 4x20
leg press (both legs) 4x20
leg press (right leg) 4x15 
leg kickback machine (works the glutes and hamstrings) 3x20
resistance band work.

As for abs, I did the following:
1 minute right side plank
1 minute left side plank
1 minute plank
30 right oblique crunches
30 left oblique crunches
20 scissors
20 mountain climbers
10 regular sit ups 
10 vertical leg crunches
10 Russian twists
15 mountain climbers 
10 scissors
60 bicycles 

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