So what did I do at the gym?......EVERYTHING! And it felt wonderful.
20 minutes on the stairmaster to start out then headed to the weight section for arms.
3x15 bicep curls
3x12 tricep kick backs
3x10 front arm raises
3x12 skull crushers
2x12 chest press
I then decided to do some glute action:
3x15 laying leg curls
20 squats
20 plie squats
20 donkey kicks
20 fire hydrants
20 side leg circles
30 alternating lunge jumps
30 sliders
20 deadlifts
And to complete my workout, abs!
:40 sec plank
5 side plank dips
20 crunches
15 vertical leg crunch with weights
:15 cobra position
:40 sec plank
40 russian twists
10 jackknife sit ups
30 bicycles
:15 side planks
TGIT....aka almost Friday!!!