Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hike and abs

Happy Saturday readers!

Is anyone else so excited for spring like weather after the beat down of heat we had earlier this week?!

Ben and I decided to go hiking at a park near his house in NOVA after breakfast. It ended up being an 8 mile round trip hike and our legs are definitely feeling it! It was a nice change for a leg workout besides running and doing stuff in the gym.

We then went to the gym for a quick workout session because hey, why not?! I did Day 5 of Squat Challenge--70 then did a long ab workout consisting of:
Sits up with weights
Russian twists
Toe touches
Toe touches to L sit ups
Sit crunches
Hip twists
Side planks

*Shout out to my friends and sisters who I know did the 3.2 run in remembrance at Tech today, such a wonderful run :)

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