Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today's workout was a 3 mile run and Abs.

All over my twitter today, I was seeing hashtags that said #RunForBoston and lots of retweets from fitness twittees (twitters? what do we call people who we follow on twitter?) of it and I felt that since  I had already planned to do a run today, I would post a tweet dedicated to RunForBoston.

After my run, I wanted to do a nice hard ab workout since my legs were sore from yesterday and today as well as my arms and back.
My ab workout consisted of this:
100 jump ropes
50 jumping jacks
50 crunches
50 squat jumps
50 russian twists
1 minute plank
50 crunches on left; 50 crunches on right
60 seconds high knees
25 reverse crunches
25 jack knifes
10 burpees
50 bicycles
50 leg lift crunches
25 mountain climbers
25 crunches on exercise ball
*Tomorrow I am taking my parents on a date to see 42 and out to dinner so no workout will be happening tomorrow (except for Day 9 of Squat Challenge, 100 squats! Hello triple digits!)*

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