Wednesday, May 22, 2013

1,000 reps & Paleo diet blog

I researched some more workouts today on my lunch break and thought this one would be a nice body sweating one!

* instead of a bosu ball, I used an exercise ball.
*Disregard the weight suggestion and do the weight you are most comfortable with...I don't want anyone injuring themselves!

I did 20 minutes on the stairmaster then did the 1000 Rep Workout! Thanks +Peanut Butter Fingers !!!

I definitely had the feeling at the end of a nice, all over workout!
Rayna's Paleo diet blog!
One of my closest friends and sorority sister, Rayna Wheeler, has been on the paleo diet for a few months and is loving it! She started up a blog yesterday to talk about her experience and share recipes and I wanted to post it on here for anyone who may be interested in it or looking for recipes! Enjoy!

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