Saturday, January 4, 2014

Children at the gym

As is typical this time of year, I am always prepared for the gym to be packed with New Years resolution goers. What I was not prepared for was the number of children/adolescents! My gym does have a kid zone, but it's for the itty bitty ones. I'm all for children and fitness (I did sports since I was 5), but a gym is different. It's not a playground and unfortunately, parents feel that way. My little express gym is limited on the number of machines and I found it inconsiderate for a parent to allow their 10 year old (I guesstimated their age) to watch cartoons while standing on the treadmill. Another boy, of similar age, was just walking around, attempting to use machines but clearly had no clue what he was doing. Can you say dangerous?! Most gyms require an age, such as 13, to use equipment. I would hate for a parent who wants to get into working out, to not be able to because of their children, but they need to be considerate of others at the gym. Don't get me started on 2 teenagers who were throwing weights across the aerobics room while I was in there once....that's another story.

Ok, off of my soapbox and onto today's workout!

30 minutes on the elliptical (alternating going forwards and backwards every 7 1/2 mins) to start out. Next up was a great full body workout, especially with incorporating the run! 

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