Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pre-Chocolate Cupcake workout

Another Tuesday which means limited gym time before running off to the pool for coaching. I decided to do a leg & ab workout, gotta save my arms for Body Pump tomorrow!

I started out with a 1 mile run on the treadmill (to discover that my new headphones aren't playing out of 1 ear. grr). Next was about 15 minutes of legs:
3 sets of 15 leg press
2 sets of 25 walking lunges with weights
3 sets of 25 calf raises
2 sets of 25 leg raises with resistance band
50 squats

Next was abs:

25 crunches with 15 V-ups with dumbbell. x4
100 bicycles
50 cris-cross crunches
Vertical leg lifts - 2 sets of 25 
Leg lifts with box on feet - 2 sets of 15
Side plank (:30 each side)
1 minute plank
:15 cobra stretch.

Then I get to swim practice and had a chocolate cupcake for a kid's birthday :-l Eh, whatever! 

Cuddle up and stay warm tonight!

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