Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Leg Massage Please?!

Apparently ACPS likes to cancel school because no school again today...for an inch that is now gone. It was beautiful to wake up to but the sun is now shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky! I'm a bit done with snow days (never thought I'd say that!) but I'm still down for a few delay openings, who isn't a fan of sleeping in?! ;)

I had planned to go to Body Pump today at 4:30 but since I was up, I decided to take advantage of the class I went to with my mom on her birthday this morning, Strength Challenge!

My thighs were screaming from my leg workout yesterday and they are extra screaming today after that class! I'm just glad I stretched before class or I'd still be stuck in the squat position. The class uses weighted equipment with non-stop interval blasts of strengths and core specific exercises.....and GREAT music! I want the instructor's playlist. Mmmbop was even on it (for all my 90s peeps!)

After the class, I did 30 minutes of lap swimming. I didn't come up with a workout prior, just did freestyle and some kicks. My body was super sore so it felt good to stretch out in the water though my shoulders screaming (notice a theme?) after the class and now swimming. OUCH!

Sitting in the hot tub was heaven afterwards.  I could've fallen asleep in it.
While waiting for my mom in the lobby afterwards, I enjoyed a Mixed Berry smoothie with soy protein powder, reading Shape magazine, and warming myself by the fire. Again, could've fallen asleep there too. 
Leg massage please?!

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