Happy President's Day!
Aka another day of no school.
Who else spent their Monday morning shoveling snow/ice for 2 1/2 hours to get their car out of the garage? Raise hand. There were 3 times that I thought I could get my car out, but each time, discovered a new snow bump that I had clear out. My car is really starting to hate this weather.
After getting my car out, I headed to the gym and thought of a workout on the drive over. Run, arms, run, abs, run. I am not a treadmill fan (yes, I know, for the 100th time) but running a mile 3x throughout the workout doesn't make it too bad.
Run mile 1
bicep curls (3x12)
tricep kick backs (3x12)
side arm raises (3x10)
push ups (3x10)
shoulder raises (3x12)
Having not wearing gloves (hands got too warm) while shoveling, my palms were killing me when I was holding the barbells. Of course, the one time I don't bring my hand gloves! So I created my own cushion.
Wrap a towel around the weight!
Run Mile 2
:35 second plank
10 side plank dips
25 crunches
15 vertical leg crunches
:15 cobra stretch
:40 plank
40 Russian Twists
10 Jackknife sit-ups
30 bicycles
:15 side plank each side
Run mile 3
Leaving the gym and had to capture this view. My house is somewhere on those mountains!
Thanks Old Navy-- new top (30% off too!)
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