Sunday, December 8, 2013

Recap of Saturday's workout

Today has consisted of relaxing by the fire, drinking peppermint hot chocolate and putting up Christmas decorations! The ice storm has hit and hopes of school being canceled linger in the air!

Yesterday I hopped on the bike for a 20 minute warm up before doing the following functional workout 3x through:
10 burpees
5 one leg burpees each leg
10 squats
10 jumping switch lunges
10 lateral push ups
10 plank to push ups
10 donkey kicks
30 second plank hold
Although this doesn't seem like a lot of reps, one leg burpees and jumping switch lunges can start to burn!
I then asked Ben to show me some tricep workouts that had my arms feeling like spaghetti afterwards! They were on a cable machine that involved pulling down on bars in different ways to work the triceps and other muscles of the upper arm.
Go onto Youtube and look up tricep call press downs to see what we did! 

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