Saturday, December 14, 2013

Recap of this week's workouts

This week has been a bit busy with lots of assignments to get done, ah the life of a graduate student who works! Here is a recap of the workouts this week:
I can not remember what I did on Wednesday! That just shows you how crazy and busy my brain is/was!
20 minute elliptical before abs and triceps. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my fit in a tight workout day cause I get out of work at 2:30 and coach at 4. The abs were:
40 crunches
5 sit ups
20 scissors
30 oblique crunches
:25 plank
:20 side plank each side
30 Russian twists
20 vertical leg crunches
15 jackknife sit ups
:40 plank
The triceps were kick backs and the tricep pull down (I should figure out the actual name) that Ben showed me last week, that one really gets my triceps screaming.
A 3.5 mile run which felt wonderful because I haven't run in awhile!  Afterwards, I came in to do some stretching and a quick ab set.

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