Saturday, September 13, 2014

Bodypump and recap of this week!

My 2nd week of work (first full week!) is complete! I'm still feeling a little crazy trying to get organized and prepared for each day, but I'll get there! I haven't had time to really sit down and update this as often as I was before. So here's a recap of what my workout routine has been like this week:

Monday: .....I know I went to the gym, but don't remember what I really did....
Tuesday:.....same goes for Tuesday. Shows how my brain is fried.
Wednesday; Didn't get to the gym till 6, which of course is the most busiest time to go. I did about 20 minutes on the elliptical, and then did various machines (pretty much any that weren't occupied).
Thursday: Decided to skip the gym and go for a run. I don't get to go outside really and the one window in my class doesn't get much natural light in it and I just wanted to get outside. Of course, it started pouring 1/2 mile into my run and then stopped around a mile later.
Friday: There was no way I was going to the gym when it was so nice out! Clearly my body enjoyed the run because I ran a 22 minute flat 5k!! What?! I wish I could keep that pace up for longer races, but I felt like I was flying!
Today: BODYPUMP CLASS! I've been waiting to go to the bodypump class at my new gym since I moved up, but haven't gotten the chance to yet. I got to the class right after it had started so I quickly grabbed some weights and starting moving. Boy were my biceps and shoulders screaming! I also got commented on by asking if I was a teenager :-/. *Sigh*. While waiting for Ben to finish up, I did some more abs on my own and then went for a easy 30 minute "stroll" on the elliptical.

Love this quote! I look at the gym as my playground, how can I have fun there! It's been hard these past two weeks going there later than expected and/or more tired, but I always do feel better once I do go, even if it's not for too long. I look to the gym as the time I can just put in my headphones and get lost in my own world.

Tomorrow's an attempt at another long run, keep your fingers and toes crossed for me that my IT band is nice!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday morning workout

I survived my first week of teaching! I still have lots to get done for next week, but the first thing I wanted to do to start out my weekend was sleep (got 9 hours and slept past 5:30! Glorious!) and get a nice workout in since I slacked in that area this past week.

Oh yeah, and got this friendly reminder this morning....ahh!

Ok IT band, time for you to stop hurting so I can actually get in new miles!

Today's gym: arms, abs, and it band exercises 

Warm up was 30 minutes on the elliptical before putting on my weight gloves and heading to do arms. I did 3 sets of 12-20 for the following:

bicep curls
front arm raises
tricep dip machine
chest press
shoulder press

Abs was 3 rounds of:
30 crunches
30 sec plank
30 bicycles 
30 sec side plank (each side)
20 scissor kicks

I finished out with some it band exercises with a resistance band. Nothing like a good night sleep and a good morning workout to start off your weekend! :)

Tomorrow is suppose to be a 16 mile run. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me that I'll  be able to get up to 16 if not close (pending on how my it band feels)!