Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers to 2013!

As 2013 comes to an end, I want to look back on the Fitness aspect of this past year:
  • Ran my first half marathon at Disney World in February with good friend Hannah...Disney knows how to do races for sure! So memorable and magical! Fireworks to start off the evening!

  • Fit For a Princess blog  started in March!
  • Did my 3rd Color Run in April with Caroline, Tori,, Jessie, and Kellie...seriously, best race to do with friends :)

  • Ran a 10k in May....thumbs down. Rainy, disorganized, blah. But I got a medal out of it!

  • Ran my 2nd half marathon in September and got a PR! :)

  • Started helping out with Girls on the Run in September and those girls brought some smiles and laughs to my face a few times a week :)
Until next year, cheers everyone! :) Thanks to all you have followed my blog, please keep it up!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Early evening run

Happy last 25 hours of 2013!

I am down at Liberty (again) for another intensive course and am fortunate to be staying with good friend & sorority sister, Meghan :) 

I looked up Liberty gym' hours for this week and was a bit disappointed to see that it was closed until Thursday! Glad I checked while I was packing so I could pack running clothes. 

After class got out at 4:30, I hurried back to Meghan's place and quickly changed into my running gear. I never run in the dark for safety purposes but I was able to get in 2.5 miles before I came in cause it was too dark for my personal preferences . Meghan's neighborhood and streets were very well lit though!

I plan on running tomorrow after class or perhaps just doing one of my home workouts at her place. No NYE plans since I'm here and Ben has to work but champagne and watching the ball drop will be happening! :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Post Christmas workout

I hope everyone had a wonderful and magical day yesterday surrounded by family and loved ones :)

After all the mimosas and yummy treats I ate yesterday (and do not regret one bit!), my mom and I headed to the gym this am. And it was packed!! A preview to how it'll be after New Years?!

I started out with 15 minutes on the bike before doing a Leg workout. 
Next up, Abs! I hadn't done this 9 minute plank workout in awhile, but I hadn't forgotten how tiring it is!

I finished out the day with some arms (lat pull down, chest press, tricep kickbacks). 

Spent the rest of the day hanging out with my aunt and uncle (who came in as a surprise yesterday!) and went and saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty! Very good! I reccomend!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve!
December, in my opinion, has flown! Can't believe Christmas day is in less than 24 hours! Ah! I am most excited about seeing my family's reactions to their gifts tomorrow, it has been so hard to keep some of them a secret!
Today's workout had to be a festive one for sure!
I warmed up 30 minutes on the elliptical easy (my thighs were screaming from yesterday's workout) before doing a great workout that definitely works up a sweat!
*I switched out power cleans to deadlifts
I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Where have I been??

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

I have not posted in over a week but Fit for a Princess is ready to repost! I had planned to post last week when I was at Liberty for an intensive class BUT never got a chance to work out!! I only worked out once and that was because I woke up at 5:30 to work out before class. This class had so much outside work, by the time I was done, the gym was closed :( Augh! I felt so out of my loop, and with how stressful that class was, a workout afterwards would've been nice.

When I got home last Friday, I headed straight to the gym! I did about an 1 & 1/2 hour workout of cardio, abs, arms, legs, pretty much everything! It felt great to workout, especially since I had sat on my butt the past week and the only active thing I had done was walk.

Saturday -- Bridesmaid dress shopping for my sorority sister Sara's wedding and catching up with her and another sorority sister Maryanne before Sara's engagement party that evening! Sara's wedding is French/Marie Antoinette theme and our dresses will definitely fit for it!

Sunday -- Ben and I spent the day doing Christmas shopping and movie date to see the Hobbit 2. It was nice, relaxing day spent doing whatever with him :)

Today, after Ben left, I headed to the gym. I started out with 20 minutes on elliptical then did a Butt Set that looked like this:
50 squats on Smith Machine
50 deadlifts per leg
50 donkey kicks with dumbbell
50 fire hydrants with dumbbell 
50 lunges

After, I did Lower Ab Attack. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful few days spent with family and loved ones!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Recap of this week's workouts

This week has been a bit busy with lots of assignments to get done, ah the life of a graduate student who works! Here is a recap of the workouts this week:
I can not remember what I did on Wednesday! That just shows you how crazy and busy my brain is/was!
20 minute elliptical before abs and triceps. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my fit in a tight workout day cause I get out of work at 2:30 and coach at 4. The abs were:
40 crunches
5 sit ups
20 scissors
30 oblique crunches
:25 plank
:20 side plank each side
30 Russian twists
20 vertical leg crunches
15 jackknife sit ups
:40 plank
The triceps were kick backs and the tricep pull down (I should figure out the actual name) that Ben showed me last week, that one really gets my triceps screaming.
A 3.5 mile run which felt wonderful because I haven't run in awhile!  Afterwards, I came in to do some stretching and a quick ab set.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Getting in the Christmas spirit!

I've wanted to try the following workout I found through the awesome Miss Peanut Butter Fingers  and after yesterday when my family decorated the house for Christmas which made getting into the spirit 100% better, I decided to do it today!
*For the power cleans, push presses and thrusters, I used dumbbells*

I started out with 20 minutes on the elliptical before doing this in the aerobics room:

I could still feel Saturday's arm workout when I was doing some of the exercises today. Woo!
(_____) of the day:
Item of the day: I wore my black razorback tank with #BEAST on the back today, I love it! Not only is it super comfortable, but gives you a boost of epicness ;)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Recap of Saturday's workout

Today has consisted of relaxing by the fire, drinking peppermint hot chocolate and putting up Christmas decorations! The ice storm has hit and hopes of school being canceled linger in the air!

Yesterday I hopped on the bike for a 20 minute warm up before doing the following functional workout 3x through:
10 burpees
5 one leg burpees each leg
10 squats
10 jumping switch lunges
10 lateral push ups
10 plank to push ups
10 donkey kicks
30 second plank hold
Although this doesn't seem like a lot of reps, one leg burpees and jumping switch lunges can start to burn!
I then asked Ben to show me some tricep workouts that had my arms feeling like spaghetti afterwards! They were on a cable machine that involved pulling down on bars in different ways to work the triceps and other muscles of the upper arm.
Go onto Youtube and look up tricep call press downs to see what we did! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mid week full body workout

Started out today's workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical to get the heart racing before heading to the aerobics room to do the following:
75 squats
50 box jumps
50 low rows
25 burpees
50 pushups
50 kettleball swings (*I had to use a dumbbell)
100 crunches
1/2 mile run on treadmill
50 clean and presses.
Including some rests, this took me between 20-30 minutes. I recommend going at your own speed and not rushing through. I chose to split up the sets so instead of doing 50 reps straight through, I did 2 sets of 25. Find whatever works for you!
(____) of the day:
Song of the day: It isn't Christmas time until I hear this song:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Core workout

My alarm this morning was not my best friend and it felt like I hadn't been at work for ages. Thank you break for making me too relaxed!
When I checked the weather last night, it said that it would be in the 50s (weren't we expecting snow this time last week??) and partially cloudy so I packed running gear. Though it was definitely not the in the 50s and super cloudy so I am glad I packed winter attire!
I ran 3 miles before coming inside to do this Core  workout:
*Side not...It does not take 25-30 minutes. More like 10. But do this real quick and your abs will be screaming!