Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running Sandwich

Another day off (and we shall see about tomorrow....)! Today called for a 3 mile run and strength as part of my training plan, but seeing that most of the sidewalks still aren't clear/icey out, I decided to suck it up and do the run on the treadmill. To change things up a bit because I knew there was no way I could stay sane for 3 miles on the treadmill, I broke it up into 1 mile ->weights-> 1 mile -> abs-> 1 mile. 

It made it much more enjoyable.

After the first mile, I did some leg work.
laying leg curls 3x12
abductor 3x12
adductor 3x12
30 lunges

After the second mile, I did some abs.
30 Russian Twists
10 sit ups 
:30 sec plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 sec plank
10 jackknife sit ups
40 bicycles
:15 sec side plank (each side)
30 crunches
:40 sec plank

And 3rd mile complete. I was a nice sweaty mess. I thought about doing arms, but they were still a little sore after yesterday so decided to give them a rest. 

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