Tuesday, May 26, 2015

More posts come summer!

I never thought I'd become so busy/distracted/lazy that I wouldn't update my blog. 2 years ago when I started this, it was apart of my schedule! Come summer when I'm not doing lessons, IEPs, etc, expect more daily posts!

After Bodypump from Saturday (finally getting back into having this in my routine together after some busy weekends), my legs were pretty sore yesterday and were much enjoyed resting by the pool.

I decided to do a glute/leg workout ending with abs today. I started out with 20 minutes on the bike then did a circuit focusing on legs:
My shins are currently sore and I'm wondering if I need new gym shoes. They are a year old......hmmm.
I did switch up with instead of lunges with front kick to calf raises with weights.

One of my current favorite ab workouts. I like how it is a good mixture of various exercises.
So I have 13 more school days to go until summer. I do hope I can get on my computer and remember to post some workouts during those days, because I promise, I have had some killer workouts!

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