Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Abs abs abs!

Another day of snow coming tomorrow and I skipped the gym yesterday so today was full intense gym session. 

I had a feeling school would be canceled tomorrow (which it now is) so I didn't feel rushed to get into the gym and then home for dinner, shower, and regroup for tomorrow. I started out with a strength training circuit that I've done a few times before and really enjoy the change up of different muscles being used. 

Next I wanted to focus on abs. Found this longer ab workout on Pinterest and really liked that the reps were shorter, but was longer so could feel my abs burning by the end. Plus 3 rounds of 60 secs plank through out! 
And for anyone who will be snowed in tomorrow, this one is also great for an at home workout!
I finished out with a quick spin on the bike just because I wasn't ready to be done just yet ;)

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