Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Recap and Moving

Just a little more than 24 hours till I make the move to Northern Virginia! My room is cluster right now with boxes, bins, bags, little piles and for someone who is OCD about things being organized and neat, I'm trying not to go a little crazy!! Ben came down this past week and took half of my stuff, mainly just stuff for my classroom, which helped! 
With all the craziness of packing, last minute items, and goodbyes, I haven't gotten to update on this with some great workouts I've done over the past few days.

Friday: Resistance/body weight workout (will describe below)
Saturday: Bodypump class
Sunday: off
Monday: 10 mile run....MCM training
Today: Cardio with abs and arms.

Resistance/body weight workout 
Friday's workout started out with 20 minutes on the stairmaster before heading to the aerobic room to do some body weight and resistance band workouts. I didn't really have a certain workout in mind, just did various workouts. The first one I did was an exercise I did in the Pure Barre class which works the glutes. It is hard to describe in writing (I should've gotten my sister to get a video of me doing it) so here is a Youtube clip of it!

Another great leg and glute exercise is using a resistance band around your legs and do side leg lifts. 

Another Pure Barre idea is getting a small ball and putting them between your thighs, hands on the bar, and squatting as if you are sitting in a chair. Squeeze the ball with your thighs (pulsing) for 30 seconds, rest for 15, repeat. 

One last exercise I can remember (I am drawing a blank on everything else I did) was doing leg kickbacks with 5 pound barbbell held by my legs. Always a great glute workout, especially with the added weight! 

Now back to packing! Next time I post, I'll be up in NOVA! 

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