Monday, July 20, 2015

Hotel Workout Day #1

Greetings from Carolina!
I'll be in Carolina all this week for a TEACCH Autism Program training which means hotel workouts for me!
I woke up before the training this morning to get a workout in and was happy to find the little fitness center all to myself. I started out with 20 minutes on the elliptical (If you hadn't had already guessed it, that's kinda my go to warm up) on an Around the World routine that had lots of high levels.
Since hotel gyms are very limited to equipment (and space), I chose a leg workout that just needed your body.
I finished with a quick ab routine before rushing back up to my room to get ready!
30 Russian Twists
10 sit ups
:30 second plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 second plank
10 jackknife sit ups
40 oblique crunches
:15 second side plank each side
30 crunches
:40 second plank

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