Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gearing up for the weekend!

Since I will be going out of town this weekend and won't get a workout in until Monday, I wanted to make the most of today!

So call me crazy but I decided to venture out into this heat and go for a the proper attire of course! I ran in shorts and sports bra, sprayed my whole body down in sunblock, threw on a hat (first time I've done that), sunglasses, filled my water bottle to the top with nice, cold water, and hit the pavement for a 2 mile run. It actually went by pretty quick, but the AC sure did feel wonderful afterwards!

Once I cooled myself down, I got started on some abs, arms, and butts.
30 Russian Twists with medicine ball
10 sit ups
:30 second plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 second plank
10 jackknife sit ups
40 oblique crunches
:30 side plank each side
30 crunches
:40 second plank
20 bicep curls x3
20 triceps extensions x 3
10 shoulder presses x 3
10 arm extensions x3
*all with barbells*
25 squats
10 single leg dead lifts each leg
25 pile squats
20 side lunges
20 calf raises
50 fire hydrants each side
Now back to packing and hopefully going to bed much earlier than I have been, a good workout always makes me get a goods night sleep! Happy Almost Friday! :) 


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