Monday, July 29, 2013

Gym and tasty treat!

Good evening readers!

Today's gym workout consisted of a mix of things. Since I haven't done any weights or anything since last week, I wanted to get in a nice full body workout.

I started out by doing 30 minutes on the elliptical (on my off running days, I like to do a lot of cardio to get my heart really pumping) then did the following circuit (*which has been mentioned before on here) for 1 round:

After that, I did some abs then a few machines for arms before Ben and I called it a day at the gym.  It did feel nice to work a bunch of muscles! Always nice to feel like your whole body got a work out in.
After dinner tonight, Ben and I were both in the mood for dessert but weren't sure what. I suggested this yummy treat that I've made before and it was a hit: Chocolate & Peanut Butter Rolls.

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