Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mid week full body workout

Started out today's workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical to get the heart racing before heading to the aerobics room to do the following:
75 squats
50 box jumps
50 low rows
25 burpees
50 pushups
50 kettleball swings (*I had to use a dumbbell)
100 crunches
1/2 mile run on treadmill
50 clean and presses.
Including some rests, this took me between 20-30 minutes. I recommend going at your own speed and not rushing through. I chose to split up the sets so instead of doing 50 reps straight through, I did 2 sets of 25. Find whatever works for you!
(____) of the day:
Song of the day: It isn't Christmas time until I hear this song:

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