Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hello Snow Day!

As I'm sitting here enjoying the last few hours of my snow day, I figured I should review some awesome workouts lately that I know will have me sleeping well tonight!

Yesterday was a long day at work so couldn't wait to get to the gym and distress! A quick move on the Stairmaster before doing some arms and abs.

I was surprised when I was feeling strong until the shoulder flys near the end when I started feeling some muscle shaking. Wowza! 

Abs were the core crunch workout that I posted a few weeks ago. 

And a solid win for UVA basketball helped with my night as well :)

After finding out school was canceled today, I couldn't get back to sleep (of course, the day I could sleep in) so got up, had breakfast and headed to the gym. Any chance I can work out in the morning (not the crack of dawn), I take advantage of! 

Letting the arms and abs rest today, I did a leg and butt workout. Ahhhh, squats and wall sits!

To all of my teacher friends, I hope you had a relaxing day and rested up for the remainder two days ;)

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