Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Energizer Bunny needs a Recharge

Typing this up real quick while doing homework to say hi and that yes I am still alive. What I thought would be a more calmer week has turned out to be more crazy which is leaving me trying to get a million things done at once. Some items to catch up on!

1) Met with a Physical Therapist yesterday on my IT band. Going back tomorrow and 2x next week to do more exercises with him. Pretty much the result of my IT band hurting is that my hips and glutes are weak (lazy butt alert!). The exercises he's given me to do on my own and with him are to help strengthen them.

2) The Nike Half in 10 days is still a -go even though I have not trained past 10 miles in over 2 weeks and really haven't done as much short distance running during the week as I had hoped. Fingers and toes crossed that my body will remember it has run 13.1 miles before and can do it again and that my IT band plays nice!!

3) Got to the gym sooooo much later than I had planned and I was feeling frazzled. I did a fast 20 minutes on the elliptical (release some of the frazzliness!) before doing an ab set.

30 Russian Twists
10 sit-ups
:30 plank
20 vertical leg crunches
:20 plank
10 jackknife sit-ups
40 bicycles
:15 side plank
30 crunches
:40 plank
30 vertical leg crunches
20 bicycles
5 sit ups
20 Russian twists
:45 plank
40 bicycles
10 scissors
:20 side plank
10 sit ups
:30 plank

Ok, back to the homework!

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