Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Squeezing in time for arm workouts

I am finally getting to sit and relax after being on the go since 6:30am! A shower and lunch felt wonderful.

I woke up at 6:30 to have time to get a 3 mile run in before practice. I hit the pavement around 7:10 which left me with plenty of time before practice. I am glad I had my water bottle filled more with ice than water because it was still pretty warm at 7 in the morning, but my water stayed cool. This humidity is just ridiculous.

After coaching and a doctor's appointment, I had some time to kill before another appointment so I went to the gym to do some weights. My plan is to do arms on weekday run days (Tuesday & Thursday), cardio and abs on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays, Saturdays are 3-4 mile run and most likely abs and Sundays will strictly focus on my long runs. I am also hoping to get in some yoga (yes I have said that before, but I mean that now!) every week to stretch out the muscles. 102 days till the Marathon! 

My arm workout consisted of:
3x20 bicep curls
3x15 skull crushers
4x10 tricep dips
3x15 tricep kickbacks
3x15 chest flies 
3x15 deltoid raises 
3x15 tricep pulldowns
3x20 lat pulldowns 
20 triangle pushups.

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