Saturday, August 3, 2013

A "Glee-ful" Run!

As you can see in the title, today's run was a bit in the show 'Glee'!

Today's run was 8 miles (41 days till the half!) and I've been starting to get a bit bored with some of my music and knew for my run today, I'd want to mix things up a bit to keep me focused...especially since I was running at 7am ('s a Saturday and my break....)! I have most of the Glee songs on my ipod (shout out to all my fellow Gleeks out there) and it made my running much more enjoyable, kept me in an energetic, bouncing mood.
Question: Any workout/running music suggestions?!

After my run, I had a quick turn around before meeting up with Tori to go to her dress fitting (69 days till she gets married!) After a quick shower, I stopped by a café to grab a post-run mango smoothie and apple cinnamon muffin. It hit the spot after the run.

My legs didn't start getting sore until we were at the fitting so once I got home, I immediately started icing them.
Hope everyone has a relaxing Saturday! :)

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