Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today's workout was BodyPump!! BodyPump is a weight-based class that works eight separate muscle group areas at a fast moving pace.

The music my instructor selected was great! I sometimes caught myself moving to the beat and wanting to dance and not doing the workout haha. The warm up was a quick whole body workout and then we were off working butt...chest...legs....arms...and shoulders which were SCREAMING by the end of the class! We ended with abs which were a nice break from not using weights.
I really enjoyed the class, though did struggle with finding my right weight at the beginning. The first was too light so I added a weight when then made it really heavy on my shoulders and upper back so took that weight off. I settled with my first weight and throughout the class, I am glad I did. I have a feeling my arms won't want to move tomorrow!
There most likely won't be a post until next Monday because tomorrow I am going to Caroline's field hockey game and then Thursday through the weekend, I will be in DC for Ben's sister, Cary, wedding! Though as you may recall from my post from May re. my cousin's wedding, there will  be plenty of dancing going on this weekend ;)

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