Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Strengh Challenge {Happy Birthday Mommy!}

Happy Thanksgiving eve!
This morning, Caroline, my mom and I went to a Strengh Challenge class that my mom raves about! It's my mom's birthday so she decided to get festive with wearing a crown!
*Before class with the awesome instructor, Chris!*
This class involved lots of free weights and bars. How Chris does his class is that he is always working more than 1 we could do a squat and bicep curls at the same time. He also plays AWESOME music!! He had some recent hits mixed with Michael Jackson and other 80s hits. There was not one song I didn't like!
After halfway through some shoulder/upper body workouts is when my arms & shoulders were SCREAMING! It was a good burn, but still a burn. Phew! Afterwards, I was super sore when showering and lifting my arms.
Another plus from this class was the new workouts I'll be able to do on my own. One I'll definitely do is a plié squat with weights but also a shoulder workout. You do a plié squat, tap the weight to the ground then lift weights up while standing up. Another one I liked, though I was pretty tired at this point, was down on all fours but doing butt kickbacks and tricep kickbacks at the same time. Woo!!
After class, we had a cup of chocolate milk courtesy of the Birthday Queen! :) Also a good snack for post workout ;)

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