Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Go For a Run/Massage in a Bottle

For whatever reason, I like doing these "the day in the life of" or a weekend recap..I hope you all (whoever you all are!) don't mind reading what probably sounds like an old Xanga site (remember those?!)

*Wake up at 6...but don't get out of bed till 6:10. I've been waking up in the 6 oclock hour for almost 2 years and it is still a struggle! Though staying up till 11:15 following the UVa game on my phone probably didn't help either..(at least they won!)

*Put together a 60 degree weather day outfit...wasn't it just last week we were preparing for snow?!

*Put on makeup and check up on blogs (I follow Peanut Butter Fingers, Meals And Miles, and Hungry Runner Girl)...I would just like to do a mini shout out to some new makeup that I recently got and love how fresh my face feels and looks.
Foundation - Maybelline Fit Me Shine Free Stick.
Eye shadow - Almay Intense I-Color. Different shades to mix together that are based off of your eye color. I chose brown even though I have one hazel eye because the hazel eye shadow included purple and I wanted more natural looking eye shadow (though in the words of Ben, why wear natural makeup when you don't even need it...thanks babe)
Concealer - CoverGirl CG Smoothers
*Enjoyed my new Netflix show, One Tree Hill, over breakfast.
*Go to work...and was so happy to see the temperature when I left work! It just screamed "Go for a run!!"
*And so run I did! It was a lot winder out than I expected, my legs were getting whipped by sticks and leaves. My first mile and a half was slower than I wanted (I'm working on getting faster for when I start training for my next half) but I was going against the wind...I finished my last mile at where I would like to be (8:45). I would like to get under 25 minutes for a 5k!
I have run a total of 9 miles within the past 3 days ( I ran for 2 days straight on the treadmill...who am I?!) and it feels so good to get back into it after a long delay from it.
I came back into the gym to do some jump ropes and ab workout before heading home where I put the best lotion ever on my feet and legs. It is like a massage in a bottle!
I highly recommend it for any of my runner friends or friends who have to be on their feet a lot for work.
Next up on my agenda....Mud Run this Saturday!! That post is going to be entertaining!

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