Monday, May 20, 2013

Burning Legs & Abs Circuit

Happy Monday everyone!
After doing 30 minutes on the ellipitcal, I did the following workout called 'Burnin Leg& Abs Circuit Workout'
Those noted with a * are to be completed while holding a weight.
10 push ups
50 sumo squats *
10 push ups
50 squats*
50 side lunges with knee lift (25 each side)
10 push ups
50 side plank hip lifts (25 each side)
50 side crunches (25 each side)
10 push ups
50 squat jumps
50 crunches on exercise ball
50 jumping jacks
50 bicycles
10 push ups
50 seconds jump rope
50 seconds plank
10 push ups

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