Tuesday, April 23, 2013

600 abs

First up for the workout today was a 3 mile run which was much enjoyed on this lovely day! I love running in 60 degree weather.

Then was 140 squats for Squat Challenge! I have definitely starting to feel it in my glutes and upper hamstrings!

I then decided to come up with a workout called The 600 Abs. Below is how it looks:
100 crunches (4 sets of 25)
100 cross leg crunches (4 sets of 25)
100 Russian twists with medicine ball (4 sets of 25)
100 crunches with weights (4 sets of 25)
100 bicylces (4 sets of 25)
50 hips to ground while in plank (5 sets of 10)
50 side crunches (4 sets of 25)

Workout/healthy tip of the day: On the treadmill, increase your pace by 1 mph and you'll burn an extra 2 calories per minute.

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