Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cross Fit!

After a-- much enjoyed and wonderful-- day off from the gym yesterday, I was ready to get back today!

I wanted to spice things up from my usual workouts and decided to pull a cross-fit work out I found on Pinterest that I have enjoyed a few times to start out.

Here is what it looks like:

In the end, you will have done:
- 3 miles
-60 push ups
-120 squats
-180 sit ups.
*I recommend getting a treadmill that is on the end and has room to do the push ups, etc. 

The rest of my time at the gym looked like this:
50 walking lunges with weights (2x25)
40 calf raises
60 leg presses (3x20)
60 leg lifts with weights (3x20)
50 Russian twists with medicine ball (5x10)
40 wide leg criss cross (4x10)
60 balancing acts (3x20)
1 minute plank
:30 side planks each sides.
40 sumo squats (2x20)
90 fire hydrants (3 x 30)
40 leg out circles (2x20)
*Ben then showed me how to use the squat machine (finally!) so I ended up doing a couple more squats with that....I could definitely fell it more in the hamstrings and glutes using that rather than standing on my own
45 lat pull downs (3x15)
45 upper back machine (3x15)

Ben and I both felt fantastic after the gym but our bodies are pretty sore now, we'd love anyone who would like to carry us around the rest of the day ;) At this point, we were starving so headed to Chipotle for a very late lunch...yum! The burrito the size of a foot for Ben, chicken tacos for me!

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